Saturday, May 28, 2005

Form is temporary, class is permanent

Ok, apologies about the "subscription" issues. Also, my grammar is pathetic. I get very passionate recounting these stories and my mind goes faster than my fingers so I make stupid errors like "there" and "their" "us" and "as". Forgive me, I'll have my sis edit it at some point because she has DSL and I have 2K dial-up.

Liverpool, not a fan but you got game.

So this Wednesday presented the fitting end to an amazing football season and somewhat made up for the FA miss. (Even though we all know Manchester United are the greatest football team on earth and it doesn't matter if Crazy Glazer is on board). I had to work late yet again so joined B2 for a drink after work and catching up with the day. Urghh, those that know me will not believe what a market geek I've become. I mean we talked about the market for 2! hours and every turn of the corner I had another question about expanding my portfolio zzzzzzzz. Anyway, was fun, we debated staying in town to watch the game but we opted to head to the watering hole near our apartment.

Got home, slightly hiccupy at 10 pm which is when the game was and much to our delight, it was on pretty much on all the channels. (I can hear my poor one-soccer-channel stricken sister screaming.) So we tucked in to enjoy the best battle it out. Let me just say, at half time, I'd talked to B1 who was all the way on the other side of town on the verge of a heart attack. Liverpool were down a spectacular 3 - 0 in a game that looked all Italia and he being the Liverpooladdict that he is was practically sobbing with despair. I promised him a beer the next time we meet, he insisted on a massive dose to counter the tragedy he was witnessing. B2 had just bought a new phone that day so that became the focus of all his attention while I watched the game thinking of what I would watch after the season ended. And then 1, 2, 3, the goals came at such an alarming rate and there was a game. I went out onto my balcony and you could hear the whole neighborhood screaming. Lol, any football fan can come to Kenya and feel right at home because Kenyans love, and I mean LOVE this game. Forget runners, yes we appreciate, respect and follow them but ask a Kenyan to name the statistics of our local heroes and they'll fail. Ask them where Henri is from and they will spout off not only his birthplace, but they will accurately name the street he lived on, describe his first training session and go into details about his style of game etc.

So I would pop out occasionally and listen to the craziness that was going on in the neighborhood at midnight now. Glory, awesome game, went into penalties. I stood on my balcony, door open so I could get the reaction on the outside as well. It was pandemonium when Dudek saved that last ball. I mean screams, yells, shouts, craziness. Oh, damn but I do love that game.

Ok, server died, saving this on disk, will publish later. Sigh. Well it is Friday and I AM determined to find a karaoke joint somewhere. I'm craving flat beer, bad music, was going to say Nachos but have yet to find those. Wish me luck, I will be screeching somewhere in Nairobi tonight.

Bendy Stick Man for Prez!

Yum Day

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